Church News



Christ Lutheran Church was founded in 1954. Our first building was completed in 1958 and a cornerstone still is visible. This building was our first sanctuary and had two entrances on 30th Avenue North. The pews were bolted to the terrazzo floor and faced east. The east end of the building has a small stage that served as the chancel area. Beautiful stained glass windows gave the church a peaceful, prayerful atmosphere. Adjacent to the sanctuary a long dining area was constructed which could be divided into individual meeting rooms for Bible Study and committee meetings. A church kitchen was constructed at the east end, along with bathrooms. Later an office addition was added with additional meeting rooms and bathrooms on the west end of the building along Hartford St.

Christ Lutheran Church grew quickly in the 1950s and 1960s because of its location in a growing retirement neighborhood. By the 1970s, a new larger sanctuary was needed and it was constructed in 1975 facing 30th Avenue. The beautiful stained glass windows were moved to the new sanctuary. The old sanctuary then became Luther Hall, a multi-purpose large room used for meetings, exercise classes, Vacation Bible School, and church fundraiser events like craft shows and rummage sales.

New Sanctuary constructed in 1975

The new sanctuary was wider and diamond-shaped. Its major features are a huge white statue of Jesus Christ in the large front windows and a large cross over a stone altar. Flagstone decorates the wall behind the altar and also the pulpit and lector stands. The altar, pulpit and lector stands are raised three steps above the lower part of the chancel and the chancel is surrounded by an altar rail with room to kneel for the reception of the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion).

Christ Lutheran Church was originally a member an earlier Lutheran Church body. In 1988 when the American Lutheran Church merged with the Lutheran Church of America, Christ Lutheran became part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. After 2000, the congregation at Christ Lutheran decided to leave the ELCA due to theological differences and joined the Lutheran Churches in Mission to Christ and subsequently the new North American Lutheran Church. We continue to hold a liturgical, traditional worship service every Sunday morning, similar to a Catholic Mass but with Lutheran theology. Please come and visit our friendly church and worship Jesus Christ with us on a weekly basis!
