Our Memorial Garden

A Memorial Garden has been planted at Christ Lutheran Church. This section remembers our former Pastor Frederick Smith, S.T.S. who lead our congregation in joining LCMC and the NALC. These flowers attract butterflies, a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ. Pastor Fred passed away in 2017, and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery in recognition of his service as a Chaplin for the US Army. 

The plaque on the wall is the cornerstone of our current sanctuary dated November 9, 1975. Pastor Fred Smith’s Memorial Garden is located on the west side of the Sanctuary to the left from the front of the building.

This section of our Memorial Garden is dedicated to the memory of Shirley Bolvin, former Sunday School teacher and VBS teacher at Christ Lutheran Church who passed away in 2020.

Our lawn sign honoring fallen military heroes on Memorial Day 2023

Christ Lutheran Church celebrates Patriotic Holidays and honors Fallen Heroes and Veterans at various times of year, especially on Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day. Many members of our congregation have served in the Military and a few younger ones still do. In May 2023, we had a cookout and potluck after our service to celebrate Memorial Day on the last Sunday of May, and had plenty of Red, White, and Blue Americana decorations!

Our Memorial Garden also includes a Courtyard made of bricks which includes a mosaic of the Luther Seal as it’s centerpiece in memory of Martin Luther, Our Great Reformer.

The Courtyard of our Memorial Garden is used in October for the blessing of the animals, usually the first Saturday in October.